TIME FOR A HALFHALT...? Balance yourself - and your horse!
Get in TTouch with your horse – and no, that isn’t a spelling mistake. TTouch and TTeam are methods that have been developed by Linda Tellington-Jones, a very well-known horsewoman from Canada. Her work has been ground-breaking in its focus on horse welfare and gentle methods of riding, training...
The ride of your life in 2025 – how can we make it happen? New Years’ resolutions don’t work. About 90% of people who set New Year’s resolutions fail before the end of January. In fact, it’s so common for resolutions to fail that there actually is a special...
Is your horse afraid of fireworks? New Year’s Eve is almost here – which means, fireworks. Horses and fireworks are not a good combination. I still remember the time when I was asked to come and help with a very large horse that was kicking very large holes in...
The 1 question we should ask about riding horses in hyperflexion is: WHY do riders do this? Hyperflexion (also known as ‘rollkür’) has been a hot potato issue in horse sport for many years now. The discussions have mostly been related to dressage. But the training method itself is...
Help! Are these hind hooves too short? This urgent question was sent to me by a young woman who has been traveling some months. When she came back home and went to see her horse, her first reaction was that the hind hooves were looking ‘weird’ – too short,...
Is bandage use in horses now forbidden?!? Should you stop wrapping up your horse? In this blog post you will find out all about the background of this development. And many tips about what you can do instead, to keep your horse healthy and happy. Fashion comes and goes...
My apologies if the title of this post puts certain thoughts in your mind. Icy weather? Time for some helpful studs in your life!? No, I’m not talking about the human type of studs. (Although they might come in handy – especially if they can do some laundry!). It’s...
Do you know how to ride the best working tempo on any horse? If yes, this will help a lot in keeping your own horse healthy and happy. Even better: it will help you improve every horse you ride! In our earlier posts, you could read why it’s so...
Can my poor horse be outside in really cold weather? And wait – why is there a picture of a moose on this blog page? Aren’t we talking about horses here? Our home, Raaken Farm, is in the south of Norway. Recently temperatures have been dropping to -25....
50 Easy last-minute holiday gifts and stocking stuffers for riders – something we all need in these hectic weeks! Here you can find gift ideas for every person on your list. From your horse-mad child to your ‘stable sister’, and from little stocking stuffers to big-ticket items. Even if...
Smash your shopping – find 12 useful gift ideas for every horse and rider in this blog post. Christmas is only a few weeks away…. Start thinking about your shopping now. And use the Black Friday-sales to find great deals for everybody on your list. Those with two legs,...