Welcome to Raaken Farm – how about a visit?

Two horses ridden on road summer Norway

Raaken Farm – building a horse farm in Norway

Buying a farm in Norway is not an easy process. There are quite a few restrictions from the government.
Demand for farms in more central area’s is high. And only a few come on the market each year.

We had been looking for a farm ever since we came back to Norway in 2004, after living in California for a few years.
Many farms were looked at. But none of them were exactly what we were looking for.
There were all the usual problems when househunting: too big, too small, too far away, too expensive…


And old house – and an even older farm

Finally, in the summer of 2013 we found a suitable place. It was an older farm; Raaken is already mentioned in the Norwegian census of 1910.

Aerial view of Raaken Farm Norway 1959

Aerial picture of Raaken Farm from 1959

The fields had been rented out for the production of wheat. And all the buildings definitely needed work. Especially the house from 1937 was in bad shape.

But the location was good. Private, but still with easy road access. And just a few kilometres from the main highway in Norway, and the local train station.
The size was just right for us. And the land was a nice mix of both fields and woodland.

Because of all kinds of legal hassles it took us till the end of 2014. But then we could finally move to Raaken!



Our guest room is ready (but please contact us first 😉 )

Rebuilding a whole farm is a huge project. The new house is a great step, and we enjoy it every day. (Especially after living in a mobile home for a year and a half…)

There are still many projects waiting. Redoing our ‘stabbur’ (small house) for guests. Building a meeting room for trainings, seminars and such. Creating a camping place. A new workshop room.
And let’s not forget, outside  shower and toilet facilities!

But our guest room is ready. So we can offer overnight stays. Please contact us for available dates and prices.



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