Tagged: Training

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Get in TTouch with your horse and find out what his head will tell you. FREE courses! FREE book!

  Get in TTouch with your horse – and no, that isn’t a spelling mistake. TTouch and TTeam are methods that have been developed by Linda Tellington-Jones, a very well-known horsewoman from Canada. Her work has been ground-breaking in its focus on horse welfare and gentle methods of riding, training...

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Can my poor horse be outside in really cold weather?

  Can my poor horse be outside in really cold weather? And wait – why is there a picture of a moose on this blog page? Aren’t we talking about horses here?   Our home, Raaken Farm, is in the south of Norway. Recently temperatures have been dropping to -25....

Hurry up or wait - what is the best working gait? 0

Hurry or wait – What is the best working gait?

  Want to keep your horse healthy? Then it’s not just about how long you should walk, trot and canter. The question is if you ride the RIGHT walk, trot and canter. How fast or how slow you ride can make a huge difference. Hurry or wait – what is...

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